Monday, March 5, 2012

The Egg in the Road

I was taking my daily bike ride, when I saw an egg in the road. It was perfectly whole and I assumed that it fell out of a crate on the back of a moto. But it looked as if someone had just rolled it onto the street. I couldn't believe that it was just sitting there, totally unscathed from the impact of its fall. It was a miracle, an eggy-miracle.

As I passed it, I felt that I should have stopped to grab it, save it from it's bleak future, but I couldn't. And what I don't know is if this decision I made was to keep the miracle going, having faith that it would survive or if I've become completely cynical, thinking that the egg would just have to take it's chances without my help.

This might sound a bit extreme, but as I pedaled further along, I wondered if I was being selfish (I'll explain this seemingly ridiculous statement). I began to think of it as not just an egg, but a thing that needed help before life crushed it.

I had been pedaling for the past 5 km uphill and I was at the last haul, struggling to reach the pinnacle, where I could finally turn around and coast downhill. I didn't want to stop from making my own gain to help the egg. And I figured that whatever would happen, would happen and it wasn't my responsibility. But then, I reached the pinnacle and took a quick break, that was suddenly interrupted by my conscience that told me I didn't have anymore time to waste. I needed to try and save that egg!

As I raced against time, I saw massive 12-wheelers, cars and motos pass me by, drive over the egg, but I still had hope. I know that this was silly, but I didn't care. I wanted, I needed a miracle. I came up to the spot where I'd seen it, but it was gone. I began to think of a group of kids I had passed along the way, perhaps they had picked it up? I didn't see any trace of the egg. No egg shell. No egg yolk. I couldn't believe it. I even made a U-turn to double check, but there was nothing.

I continued downhill, where I caught up with the kids. I stopped to ask if they had seen the egg in the road and if they had picked it up. They had seen it, but they didn't pick it up. I had to ask why, because it seemed strange for a kid not to have. I would have. They said, they didn't for no particular reason. I was kinda disappointed that they hadn't grabbed it. Maybe they didn't for the same reason I didn't, without giving it as much deep/crazy thought as I had, probably.

With that, I'll never know what happened to the egg. But I do know that I was the only one that would've saved it.


  1. i read this and it reminds me that this is why we should seize the moment. regrets die slowly

  2. Yes Jade Live life in that moment because tomorrow is not promised.
