Saturday, July 30, 2011


There are many things that I judge as disgusting in Malian-culture: eating with one's hands, blowing one's nose without tissue, cleaning babies poop with one's hand, leaving food uncovered for flies and chickens to get into. These are all things that I thought I'd never do. I have eaten with my hands, blown my nose without tissue, peed in a bucket and pooped into a bag! But, these have all been done out of necessity, when there were no other means (I say this to make myself feel better haha!)

There are just so many things that you will do, when it's about survival. No, no one was holding a knife to my neck to make me do these things, but it's hard in these streets. I never realized how AWESOME an indoor toilet is! There have been many times when I wake up at 2-3 o'clock in the morning with the strongest urge to gooooo. But, outside is scary. My concession doesn't have a gate and I have gone out and seen stray dogs, donkeys and people walking around at this hour. Do I feel safe to go? No, not really. So, I look at my bucket as my hero at this point. It seriously might have saved my life a few times! Especially with recent burgularies in village, I feel I'm doing what's best (This is me trying to make myself feel even better.)

Just thinking about all the stuff I've seen and experienced in this past year, there is no match for it in my life in America. I mean, maybe other PCVs had gone through these same situations before coming here if they'd been camping. But, I had lived a pretty posh life before this. I just can't believe it sometimes, the things I have to do to live here.

1 comment:

  1. nawww girl, ur so smart to not go outside in the middle of the night. u don't have to say that just to make urself feel better lol
