Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Family matters

So, in my first couple months I had a lot to complain about my family. Now, I have a lot to be grateful for. My village is not a village at all actually, it's a small city and I now realize that my family doesn't want me going out alone because they care. I've put myself in some potentially dangerous situations with men lately and although I don't pay most of these men any attention, that doesn't mean I'm not on their radar.

I won't get into too much detail, but one day I got into these guys car who said that they were travel agents, and they wanted to discuss business at the bar across the street. I had met them once before and my brother knew one of them, so I hopped in the car. We went to the bar and we did discuss what they had to offer, but then they asked me to stay for chicken and if I wanted to go meet this guys mom in another town. I said no, thanks and that I was going home. I started to walk out, but then they offered me a ride back home. So, like an idiot, I got back in the car.

They did drive me home. but asked if they could visit me when they're back in town, blah blah blah, "heck no!" So, when I stepped out the car, my host mom, Rokia was at the entrance of the concession and she asked me where I went. She looked really upset and I was nervous to tell her I went to the bar, but she was upset that I hopped in these strange guys car. She said that they were bad men because they didn't even greet the family, which is a big deal. She said that they also looked buzzed. Adama was so upset and told me that my host dad was sooooo mad with me and he asked everyone where I went, but no one knew. I felt really bad and I sincerely apologized, as I felt like I was being scolded by my parents and I knew that it was out of love.

These people, my family, really care about me and I'm so thankful to know that they've got my back even though we don't fully understand each other. And sometimes, I forget that this is my real life here because I don't have the same name, I'm in a different country and I speak in different tongues, but life knows when to give me a reality check.

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