Monday, July 5, 2010

There's no reason to be afraid of poop.

Bonsoir! Today has been such a loooong day. The heat has been intense and it has worn everybody out. This afternoon, I had culture orientation, as we prepare to depart for our homestays on Thursday! I'm really excited and a little nervous. I'm most nervous about the sanitation of the food and the nyegen (bathroom). The bathrooms here are cement holes in the ground and sometimes there is a placement for your feet, and you squat. My thigh and calf muscles are already 200% stronger. Instead of toilet paper, they use a water jug to wipe, and they wipe with the left hand. The left hand is considered dirty, and so you must never shake or wave or point or eat with it. I've learned a lot already and it's only been two days of training. This evening I had my first interview with my education trainer, Yaya, and we discussed where I would like to be placed and what kind of position I would like to take on. I chose to live in a small village, by the city, and to work with the community to improve their local school. Yay!!!!!! We shall see where I'm posted and if I get my wish. Tomorrow, I start actually learning about what I'll be doing over the next 27 months. Wish me bon chance! (good luck!)

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